(Scroll down for English)
No ja ongi kätte jõudnud see hetk, kui pigem tahan oma aega millelegi muule kui blogipostituste kirjutamisele kulutada. Seda on väga hästi näha sellest, et ma pole kui kuu aega blogisse midagi lisada jõudnud. Täitsa piinlik. Oktoober jäi täiesti vahele. Vahepeal on toimunud palju põnevat. Näiteks kohtusin ma teiste vahetusõpilastega ja oma tugiisikuga (29.09), samal õhtul olime terve perega Aacheni katedraali valgusetendusel. Käisin hostema, -venna Davidi ja tema tüdrukuga Carolus spas, külastasin teise hostvenna Philippi ja tema kahe sõbraga lõbustusparki nimega Fantasialand, pidasin pere ja sõpradega koos oma 18.ndat sünnipäeva (10.10), veetsime hostpere ja nende peretuttavatega nädala Sardiinias (13.-20.10), külastasime Lindt´i ja Lambertz´i šokolaadiladu, sõitsime hostemaga Hollandisse mega suurde Outletti, käisime pere ja paari sõbraga Oktoberfestil (27.10), ning viimane tähtis sündmus oli nädal aega tagasi. Nimelt käis mul Vahur külas! Lisaks alustasin keeltekoolis oma saksa keele arendamist ja muidugi pean mainima veel ka tennisetrennis käimist. Mõlemat kaks korda nädalas.
Alustagem siis algusest. 29.septembril oli terve päev ära planeeritud. Hommikul sain ma kokku oma tugiisiku ja teiste vahetusõpilastega, kelle eest mu tugiisik samuti vastutab. Minuga olid kaasas ka mu hostema ja mu hostpere endine vahetusõpilane Itaaliast, kes nüüd saksamaal ülikoolis käib. Me saime kõik kokku tugiisiku poolt valitud restoranis, sõime seal hommikust ning sellele järgnes paari tunnine Aachenit tutvustav jalutuskäik. Kui ma õigesti mäletan, siis oli meid vahetusõpilasi seal kokku äkki midagi kümne kuni viieteist ringis, kuid mulle tuttavaid nägusid maximum 2. Tuli välja, et ainult kolm meist, kes ka Heidelbergis keelelaagris olid, on sama tugiisiku endale saanud. Ülejäänud õpilased olid kõik stipendiumiga Ameerikast. Restoranis istusin ma ühes lauas tüdrukuga Taiwaanist ja tema hostperega. Hetkel ma temaga kahjuks ei suhtle, kuna ma ei osanud sellel hetkel sellele mõelda, et võiks tema Facebooki või muid andmeid küsida. Niiet nüüd pole mul temast halli aimugi.
Peale kõike seda sõitsime me hostemaga korraks koju, võtsime hostisa kodunt peale ja sõitsime tagasi Aachenisse. Linnas saime kokku mu hostvenna ja ühe tema sõbraga. Mu hostpere oli juba varakult pidanud meile piletid sellele valgusetendusele hankima, kuna need pidavat igal aastal minema nagu kuumad saiad. Ostsime endale kõik midagi juua ja valisime endale hea vaatega koha. Ütleme nii, et päris hea show oli. Polegi varem saanud midagi sellist näha. Etendus kestis umbes 2 tundi, ning peale seda sõitsime me tagasi koju. See oli üks väga kiire, aga ka väga tore päev.
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Aacheni katedraali valgus-show 😮😍 |
Kui ma õigesti mäletan, siis järgmisel nädalavahetusel külastasime me Carolus spaad. Siin kutsuvad nad seda Therme´iks. Proovisin seda tõlkida, aga ega ta väga mingit arusaadavat vastust ei andnud. Igatahes, kui te kunagi Aachenisse sattuma peaksite, siis sinna peaksite kindlasti minema. See midagi kultuurset pole, lihtsalt üks mõnus, moderne, ja ilus! koht lõõgastumiseks. Kaks sooja välibasseini, üksteise kõrval paiknevad üks kuum ja teine jääkülm bassein, keskel asub suur niisama kena bassein ja siis veel ka aurusaun. Lisaks on seal spaas ka nö. saunamaailm, aga sinna ei hakanud ma minema. Teised ei tahtnud ja üksi oleks igav olnud.
Järgmiseks, kõikidele seiklushuvilistele, kirjeldan ma natuke meie käiku Fantasialand´i lõbustusparki. Kui mu mälu piisavalt hea on ja ma õigesti mäletan, siis sõitis sinna nii umbes 30min-1h. Mu hostvanemad olid sellel nädalavahetusel kodunt ära, niiet lõbustusparki otsustasime ainult koos hostvennaga Phillipiga minna. Plus muidugi ta kaks sõpra. Aga ega mu hostvanemad Ameerika mägedel sõitmisest väga huvitatud vist ei olegi. Jõudsime kohale ja pidime parkla taha otsa sõitma, kuna absoluutselt kõik kohad olid täis pargitud. Ilus ilm = palju rahvast. Sama oli ka lõbustuspargi alal. Enamus järjekordki olid tunniaja pikkuse ootamisega. Aga üleüldiselt oli seal väga tore. Seda kohta peab ka igaüks oma silmaga nägema, kuna seda disaini/ kujundust ma küll õigesti ja arusaadavalt seletada ei suuda.
😍😎😁😜 |
Nüüd olen ametlikult täiskasvanu ja võin teha kõike, mida hing ihaldab. Seda lauset olen ma vist juba vähemalt viielt erinevalt inimeselt kuulnud. Kui mitte rohkematelt. Sünnipäeva puhul tellis mu hostema mulle imelise tordi, martsipaniga muide. Mega maitsev! Terve koogi oli küpsetanud mu hostpere peretuttav, niiet suured suured tänud ja aitähhid temale. 10. oktoobril peale kooli sõime hostema, -vendade ja -vanaisaga kooki ja jõime kohvi. Hostvendadelt sain ma kingituseks kaks kreemi ja ühe mega hea lõhnaõli. Vanaisa kinkis Aachener Printeneid – maiustused, mis pärinevad Aachenist. Super maitsvad! Õhtul käisime terve hostperega restoranis pitsat söömas. Vanemad kinkisid mulle H&Mi kinkekaardi ning ühed mega armsad kõrvarõngad. Väga tore päev oli. Ma kardsin, et võibolla mu 18. sünnipäev ei vasta mu ootusetele. Minu ootus täiskasvanuks saamisel on olnud, et tuleb ikka korralik pidu maha pidada. Ja see ka juhtus. 3 päeva hiljem olin kutsunud endale külla paar peretuttavat, paar peresõpra, kaks sõbrannat koolist ja mõned vahetusõpilased, kellega ma ühes keelelaagris augusti lõpus olnud olin. Kell 19.00 hakkasid inimesed vaikselt kohale ilmuma ja eks ta nii aina edasi läks. Mida rohkem inimesi kohale jõudis, seda lõbusam oli. Rääkisime, mis vahepeal teinud oleme ja kuidas üleüldiselt kõigil läinud on. Pidu oli samasugune nagu Eestis pinnad ikka. Alguses ei saa väga käima, pärast ei saa pidama siis lõppeb millegi huvitavaga. Lisaks visati mind kaks korda basseini. Õues oli külm, ja vesi oli veel külmem. Tulin sealt välja ja vahetasin riided ära. Terve peo jooksul sai mind siis kolme moodi näha. Esimesel korral olin korralikult riides, juuksed sirgendatud ja kuiv! Teine ´look´ oli riided läbivettinud, juuksed sorakil ja läbi külmunud. Viimane ja mugavaim – dressipüksid, soojad sokid, NASA T-särk ja niiskusest lokkis juuksed. Imeline.
Aaa ja muidugi, peaaegu unustasin. Üks vahetusõpilane Ameerikast oli nõus Põhja-Saksamaalt mu sünnipäevale sõitma. Ta sõitis terve tee bussiga, kokku 9 tundi. Ja muidugi tagasi ka.
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Ainuke pilt, mis mul enda sünnipäevast on 💖 (olen siin koos Mahinaga, kes on vahetusõpilane Ameerikas) |
Sardiinias ma varem käinud pole. Küll aga sõitsin ma eelmisel aastal päris ema ja õega Milanosse ning veetsime seal nii umbes (vist) nädal aega. Sardiinias sadas aga suht tihti vihma või oli lihtsalt pilvine. Käisime igal võimalusel rannas ning sain ka ühele lähedal asuvale linnale pilgu peale heita. Peaaegu igal õhtul mängisime terve seltskonnaga lauamänge. Väga tore oli ning läheks teinekordki. Kahju on sellest, et ma omavanustega rohkem seal ei suhelnud. Kaks last olid ka varem vahetusaastal käinud, oleksin saanud nendega muljeid jagada. Aga mina, kui tüüpiline eestlane, või lihtsalt Liisi suhtlesin kõigiga minimaalselt. Piisavalt, aga mitte liiga palju. Nüüd praegu kahetsen. Aga vähemalt ma tean, mida tulevikus teistmoodi teha. Tuleb end lihtsalt kokku võtta ja inimese kombel rääkima õppida. Nii lihtne see tegelt ongi. Nagu mu isa Eestis ja mu hostema mulle ütlesid, et kaotada pole mul midagi. Ma olen tulnud siia ainult võitma.
Villasimius, Sardiinia, Itaalia |
Peale nädalat Sardiinias oli mul järele jäänud veel üks nädal sügisvaheaega. Esimesel päeval ma sõnaotsesesmõttes ainult magasin ja sõin + õhtul käisin keeltekoolis ja tennises. Teisipäeval külastasime me hostemaga kahekesi Lindt´i ja Lambertz´i šokolaadiladusid. Lindt´i oma oli natukene suurem, aga mõlemate ladude maiustuste kogus jättis mul ikka karbi lahti. Lindt´t teadagi on šokolaadi tootev firma, kuid Lambertz toodab enamjaolt igasuguseid võimalikke küpsiseid või präänikuid. Sellel päeval ostsin ma liiga palju magusat. Mul oli juba enne seda käiku üks sahtel kodus šokolaadist üle ajamas, kuid nüüd on seda veel rohkem. Liiga palju. Ma loodan, et te mäletate milline ma välja nägin, kui ma Eestist lahkusin, sest tagasi tulen ma vähemalt 5 kilo, kui mitte 10kg raskemana.
Veel üks pilt Sardiiniast 💙🌴 |
Lisaks käisime me hostemaga ka Hollandis mega suures Outlettis. Sain sealt endale kaks uut asja – Calvin Kleini pusa ja Tommy Hilfigeri kampsuni. Lõunat sõime sammuti seal ühes Hiina restoranis ning magustoidu ostsime mujalt. Kuna ma ei mäleta, kuidas seda kutsuti, siis panen selles siia alla lihtsalt pildi.
Seda sõime me magustoiduks 😋 |
Neljapäeval, 25. oktoobril saabus siia minu juurde, koos oma emaga, Vahur. Neil oli küll terveks ajaks hotell kinni pandud, kuid Vahur ööbis terve aja minu juures. Ühtegi minutit ei tohtinud raisku lasta. Esimese asjana jalutasime me rongijaamast nende hotelli ning jätsime kõik kodinad sinna. Kuna nad mõlemad polnud sellel päeval väga midagi söönud, siis veetsime me järgmised paar tundi mu kooli lähedal asuvas restoranis. Peale seda jalutas Vahuri ema hotelli tagasi ning meie läksime mu kooli vaatama.
Järgmisel päeval ehk reedel käisime me hommikupoole metsas jalutamas ja õhtul külastasime kahekesi Carolus spaad. Ma olin seal juba ühe korra poole oma hostperega käinud, niiet päris ´lost´ me seal sees ei olnud. Alguses tahtsime me ka saunamaailma minna, aga tuli välja et see maksab ligi poole rohkem ning meeste ja naiste alad on eraldi. Leidsime, et pole mõtet hakata selle peale seekord raha kulutama. Õnneks saime me arususaunas käia, mis ainukesena basseinialal asus.
Laupäeval sõitsime me varakult bussiga linna, kuna tahtsime enne Oktoberfesti jõuda ka šoppamas käia. Vahur sai endale uued ketsid, talvejope ja teksad. Ma sain lõpuks uue SuperDry pusa ära ostetud. Olin seda juba varem ka proovinud, kuid ei olnud raatsinud seda ära osta. Kella 17.00 paiku startisime me kogu hostpere ja Vahuriga kodust Oktoberfesti poole. Sellist asja ma pole varem näinud. Püsti oli pandud suur telk, sees oli palju nö piknikulaudu ja suur lava. Tellisime endale alguses midagi süüa ja siis saime ka Oktoberfesti õlu maitsta. Festivali lõpuks seisid kõik, kaasaarvatud mina ja Vahur toolide peal ja tantsisid, Oktoberfesti muusika taustal. See oli üks eriti lahe kogemus. Ma arvan, et kui seda festivali Eestiga kuidagimoodi võrrelda, siis on see kõige sarnasem jaanipäevaga. Kuid kordades hullem ja naljakam. Koju sõitsime sealt alguses rongi ja siis taksoga.
Oktoberfest 2018 |
Kõike tuleb teha südamega - Vahur 2k18 |
Pühapäeval sõitsid Vahur ja ta ema rongiga Kölni (Cologne´i). Mina kaasa minna ei jaksanud, kuna olime viimased kolm päeva kogu aeg liivel olnud. Magasin kaua ning õhtul läksime koos Vahuriga Vapianosse õhtust sööma. Seal tekkis mul väga kodune tunne, nagu oleks Solarise Vapianos olnud vms.
Esmaspäeval pidin mina kooli minema, niiet Vahur ja ta ema veetsid (vist) niikaua aega šoppates. Kui ma lõpuks linna jõudsin, siis käisime me Vahuriga McDonaldsis söömas ning pärast ostsime mulle tuppa jõulukaunistusi. Jah, ma tean liiga vara on. Aga mind see ei huvita. Lisasin siia alla pildi ka, kuidas mu kapi- ja riiulipealne nüüd välja näevad. Nii nummi.
Teisipäeva hommiku veetsin ma Vahuri ja ta emaga, kuna nad pidid juba 10.30 bussi peale minema, et siis õhtul lõpuks Eestis olla. Algselt pidid nad ühe ümberistumisega Eestisse saama, aga kuna üks nende lendudest tühistati, siis muutus kahe lennukiga lendamine kolme lennukiga lendamiseks. Ehk nad pidid sõnaotseses mõttes terve päeva reisima. See võis ikka päris väsitav olla.
Paar sõna ka selles, mis ma tundsin kui nad siin olid. Esiteks ma kardsin kogu aeg, et see pole päriselt ja ma kujutan nende siinolemist lihtsalt ette. Ma olen küll oma sõprade ja perega aeg-ajalt suhelnud, kuid kedagi lähedast näha on hoopis teine asi. Ma läksin Vahurile ja ta emale rongijaama vastu ja kohe kui ma neid nägin valdas mind selline imelik tunne, et midagi oleks nagu valesti. Et nad ei tohiks ju siin olla. Neid oli lausa veider alguses näha, kuna minu jaoks olid nad just nagu ühest minu reaalsusest teise hüpanud. Vahurit kallistades ja ta häält kuuldes tuli mul nutt kurku. Ma olin enne rongijaama jõudmist ka suhteliselt närvis olnud. Üldse ma pabistan siin saksamaal liiga palju mingite mõttetute asjade üle. Kohe, kui Vahuri käte vahele sain, siis tekkis mul väga kodune ja turvaline tunne. Selline tunne, et saan end lõpuks lõdvas lasta. Ei olnud vaja mingi tühja tähja pärast enam muretseda. Selles hetkes oli vaid siin ja praegu. Selle nädala jooksul tekkis mul paar korda ka koduigatsus, kuid nüüd on kõik jälle täiesti okei. Täpselt nagu varem.
PS!! Teistele tulevastele (ja ka praegustele) vahetusõpilastele väike nõuanne. Reegel, et esimesel poolaastal (kui üldse terve aasta jooksul) pole soovitatav sõpradel ega perel teid vahetusriigis külastada, pole välja mõeldud ja kirja pandud niisama, vaid asja pärast. Jah, ma olen õnnelik, et mu poiss siin käis ja ma lõpuks ka eestlasi näha ja kuulda sain. Aga kui nüüd ausalt öelda, siis oli see nädal aega mentaalselt väga väsitav... Ma olin ikka vähemalt pool ajast väga kurb, kuna ma ei saanud lahti mõttest, et nemad saavad koju tagasi minna ja mina jään siia. Lisaks, minu arust, kannatas selle all ka nii mu saksa-, kui inglise keel. Järsku pidin ma kahe keele asemel soravalt kolme keelt korraga rääkima. Ma ütlen veelkord, et ma olen praegu õnnelik, et nad käisid, kuid see kohtumine tekitas mulle pigem raskusi juurde, kui mind kuidagi moodi aitas.
Veidi positiivsemal toonil edasi minnes sooviksin ma ka tänada oma Eesti pere ja sõpru, kes mu sünnipäeva puhul kõik meie linnakoju kokku tulid, et minu sünnipäeva tähistada. Läbi Facetime´i, ise tegelikult autos istudes, sain ma üle interneti oma tordil küünlad ära puhuda ja kuulata, kuidas mulle siis ka sünnipäevalaulu lauldi. Ma olen väga õnnelik, et nad selle ette võtsid, ja et mul nii armsad ja hoolivad sõbrad ja pere on. PS! Mu 7-aastane vend mängis mulle ilma vigadetta klaveril ka sünnipäevalaulu. Olen uhke.
Selle blogipostituse lõpetangi ma siin. On veel paar teemat, millest rääkida sooviksin, kuid otsustasin need järgmiseks korraks jätta. Proovin järgmise postitusega mitte nii suurt vahe sisse jätta ja teid ikka enda eluga siin Saksamaal kursis hoida.
Kui oled lugemas eestikeelset osa, siis ära unusta inglisekeelses osas olevatele piltidele ka pilku peale visata 😉
And now, that time has come, when I want to do something else in my free time than write a blog post. It can be seen clearly from how I haven´t posted anything to my blog for so long. Quite embarassing. I skipped the whole October. A lot of fun things have happened during that time. For example, I met up with some other exchangestudents and my area representative (29.09), the same night we visited a light-show of the Aachen Cathedral with the whole family. Then I visited the Carolus Spa in Aachen with my hostmother, - brother David and his girlfriend Miriam, went to the Fantasialand amusement park with my other hostbrother Phillip and a couple of his friends, celebrated my 18th birthday with my hostfamily and friends (10.10), spent a week in Sardinia with my hostfamily and hostfamily´s friends (13.-20.10), visited Lindt´s and Lambertz´s chocolate warehouse, rode to a huge Outlet centre in Holland with my hostmother, attended the Oktoberfest with hostfamily and friends (27.10), and the last important thing happened about two weeks ago. My boyfriend Vahur came here with her mother from Estonia to visit me. In addition, I started my german language lessons at a local language school and also started tennis. Both of these twice a week.
Let´s start from the beginning. September 29th had been fully booked. In the morning I met up with my area representative and the other exchangestudents, who live in the area, that my area rep. is responsible for. My hostmother and my hostfamily´s previous exchangestudent from Italy, Arianna, were also there with me. We met up at the restaurant, that my area rep. had previously picked out, ate breakfast there and then had a sightseeing tour in Aachen. If I remember it correctly, then there were 10-15 exchangestudents in total, but I only knew maximum 2 of them. One girl from Taiwan and one from America. We met at the language camp in Heidelberg. All the other exchangestudents, who were at the meeting, were Americans with a scholarship. I sat at the same table with another girl from Taiwan and her hostfamily. Unfortunately, I think of asking any of her socialmedia accounts. So now I have no idea what she is doing or how she is doing.
After all of this, me and my hostmother drove home to pick up the hostfather and came later back to the city. In Aachen we met up with my hostbrother and one of his friends. We were about to go to a light-show of the Aachen cathedral. My hostparents had had to buy the tickets early in advance, because the show is sold out every year. And it was no differenet this year. Before the show, we got ourselves something to drink and picked the best possible spot to see the show from. I think I have never seen anything like this and it was really cool. The show lasted for about two hours and after that we went straight home. It was a really fun, but an exhausting day.
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Aachener Dom light show 😮😍 |
If I remember it correctly, then we visited the Carolus Spa the next weekend. Here they call the place Therme. I tried to translate it, but it didn´t give a very good translation for the word. Anyway, when you happen to visit Aachen some day, you should definetly also go there. It isn´t anything cultural, more like a really great, modern and beautiful place to relax at. There were two warm outdoor swimming pools, an ice cold and a really hot pool, that were right next to each other, a steam room/sauna and a really big warm watered pool in the middle of the whole spa. What´s more, while being there, it´s also possible to visit the so called sauna world. But we didn´t go there this time. The others didn´t want to and it would had been boring to go there alone.
As the next thing, I´m gonna talk about the time we visited the amusement park called Fantasialand. If I have good enough memory and remember it correctly, then the car ride to there was about 30min-1hour from Aachen. My hostparents were away for the weekend, so me, my hostbrother and his two friends decided to go and do something fun. When we got there, the whole parking lot was packed with cars, so we had to drive to the very end of it to get a spot for us to park. Nice weather = too many people. The same situation was at the area of the amusement park. Most of the lines had the waiting time up to an hour. But all in all, it was very fun there. Everyone has to see the design of the whole amusement park by themselves, because it is really extraordinary. + I´m not able to describe it by myself.
Eating ice cream with Mahina at Elisenbrunnen |
Now I´m officially a grown-up and can do everything that my soul desires. I think I have heard that sentence from at least 5 people now. If not from more. My hostmother had ordered a really amazing birthday cake for me, by the way it was with martzipan!! Sehr lecker! (so in English – very tasty/so good). The cake had been baked by a family-friend, so also many many thankyou´s to her. October 10th after school, we ate cake and drank coffee with my hostmother, -brothers and –grandfather. From my hostbrothers I got two hand-creams and a really good scented perfume. And from my hostgrandfather I got a pack of Aachener Printens – a special sweet from Aachen. They´re really good! In the evening we ate out at a pizza restaurant with the whole family. I got very pretty earrings and a H&M gift card from my hostparents for my birthday. It was a really good day. My expectation for becoming a grown-up is, that one has to host a really good party for it. And that´s exactly what I did. Three days later I had a birthday party with some of the exchangestudents, my hostfamily and a few friends from school. People started showing up at about 7pm, and the more people came, the more fun it was. We talked about, what we have done and how it has been during these two months in Germany. The party was almost the same as the students´s parties in Estonia usually are. At first you can´t really get the party started, then you can´t slow it down anymore and it always ends with something “interesting“. What´s more, I was thrown into the pool twice!! At that time of the evening, the air was cold, but the water was even colder. I had in total three looks during my party. At first I had my hair straighten, pretty clothes and i was dry! The second one, I was soaking wet, hair also not so dry anymore and shivering. The last and the most comfortable one – sweatpants, warm socks, NASA T-shirt and curly hair in a bun. Amazing!
Aaa yeah of course, I almost forgot. An American exchange student, who lives now in the north part of Germany, was willing to come to my birthday party and take the 9 hour bus drive, here. And back to the north of course.
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My birthday cake 😍 Sehr lecker!! 👌 |
I have never been to Sardinia before. But last year I visited Milano together with my mother and sister from Estonia and I think we stayed in Italy for about a week. Unfortunately in Sardinia it rained a few times and it was cloudy most of the time. We went to the beach as often as we could and I also had a chance to take a look at a nearby city. We played German board games with the whole group almost every night. It was a fun week and I would definetly go there again. It´s a bit unfortunate that I didn´t talk too much to the other my-aged children there. Two of them had previously also been on an exchange year and I could had asked about their experience. But me, as I am, a typical Estonian, talked as much as necessary, but not too much. Now I´m of course regretting it. At least I´ll know better next time. I just need to get myself together and start talking like a normal human-being. It´s actually that easy indeed. As my father from Estonia and my hotmother said, I have nothing to lose. I have come here to win, I can only win.
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One of the amazing sunsets 🌞🌄 |
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It was also quite often rainy 😕, but I like rain 😇 |
After the week in Sardinia, I had one week left of the school-holidays. On the first day I literally only slept and ate + in the evening I attended the language and the tennis lessons. On Tuesday, me and my hostmother visited the warehouses of Lindt and Lambertz. Lindt´s was a bit bigger, but both of the warehouses´s chocolate amount amazed me. As you might know, Lindt is a company, who makes and sells chocolate, but Lambertz, on the other hand, sells every kind of cookies and gingerbread. On that day I bought too many sweets. Already before going there I had one of my drawers full of German and Estonian sweets. So now I have even more. I hope you all remember what I looked like when I left from Estonia, because I´m going to come back at least 5 kilogramms heavier, or even 10. Who knows?
We also visited a huge Outlet centre in Holland. I bought two things from there – a Calvin Klein sweater and a Tommy Hilfiger pullover. We also ate lunch there in a chinese restaurant and then bought dessert from somewhere else. I don´t remember what it is called, but I´ll add a picture here, so you at least get an idea of it.
The thing we ate for dessert 😋 |
On 25th October, Vahur with his mother arrived here to Aachen. They had a hotel booked for the whole time, but he stayed at my place the whole time anyway. Big thanks to my hostfamily, who so kindly let him stay with us this whole time. As the first thing after they arrived, we took their things to the hotel and then went out to eat. As neither of them had eaten anything that day, we decided to go eat brunch. After that me and Vahur went to see my school, because it was nearby. His mother went straight back to the hotel.
The next day in the morning we had a walk in the forest and later in the evening we also visited the Carolus Spa. As I had been there before, it was easy for us not to get lost in there. At first we also wanted to visit the “sauna world“, but as it cost too much, we decided to skip it this time. Fortunately, we got to go to the steam room/sauna, which was the only one in the spa area.
On Saturday we drove to the city early in the morning so we would have enough time to shop. Because we were planning to start going to the Oktoberfest already 4.30pm in evening, so we had to be at home at that time. Vahur got himself new sneakers, a winter coat and jeans. I finally bought the sweater from SuperDry that I had been wanting for a long time.
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You can get a really good smoothie from the Aquis Plaza |
But Oktoberfest was really fun and something very different. I think the most close thing to it in Estonia would be the Midsummer day, but Oktoberfest is many times crazier and funnier. I have never seen anything like this. The whole thing took place in a really big tent, which was packed with benches and tables. There was also a stage. At first we all got ourselves something to eat and then we also got to taste Oktoberfest´s beer. At the end of the festival everyone were standing on the benches and dancing to the German festival music. Even me and Vahur. It was amazing and much fun.
On Sunday, Vahur and his mother visited Köln (Cologne) together. I didn´t go with them because the last three days had been very busy and I was very tired. In the evening me and Vahur went out to eat at Vapiano. I had a really homelike feeling, it seemed to me like we had been eating at the Vapiano in Solaris. (It is a shopping centre in Tallinn, Estonia).
On Monday I had to go to school, so I think that Vahur and his mother went shopping. After school I met up with Vahur in town and we ate lunch at McDonalds. Before I had my language lessons, we also went to a really cute store. I got myself some christmas decorations from there. I know it is too early for that right now. But I don´t care. I´ll add some pictures here, so you could see how sweet my room now looks. So Süss.
On Tuesday I spent the whole morning with Vahur and his mother, because they were supposed to take a bus to Cologne already at 10.30am. At first they were supposed to have only one connected flight, but as one flight was cancelled, travelling by two planes changed quickly to travelling by three of them. So they literally had to travel the whole day back to Estonia. So tireing.
I´m also going to say a few words about what I felt while they were here. I was afraid the whole time that it is not real and I´m just imagening them being here. Yes, I have talked to my Estonian friends and family from time to time, but seeing someone in real life is a whole different thing. When I saw Vahur and his mother here for the first time, I had a feeling like something was wrong. That they shouldn´t had been here. At the beginning it was quite strange for me to see them here, because for me it seemed like they had jumped from one of my realities to another. So from the Estonian to the German one. When I hugged him and heard them both talking Estonian I almost started crying. I had been quite nervous before arriving to the train station. But when I was finally between his arms, I had a really safe and homely feeling. I didn´t have to worry about every small thing anymore. It that moment, it was only here and now. During this week I had homesickness a few more times, but now everything is okay again. Exactly like before.
NB! I´d like to give some advice to all the future exchangestudents and to them, who are exchangestudents now. The rule, that it is not recommended for the parents or friends from one´s homecountry to visit the exchangestudent during the first half of the year (or at all), is there for a good reason. Yes, I´m happy that my boyfriend was here and that I got to see Estonians and hear Estonian. But to be honest the week was mentally really tiring. Half of the time I was very sad, because I couldn´t get rid of the thought that they will be going back to Estonia and I´ll be staying here. In addition, I think that both my German and English were affected negatively. Because then I had to know how to speak not only two, but three language at the same time. I´m gonna repeat it again, I am very happy and thankful that they were here, but looking back I feel like it caused me more difficulties than helped me in any way.
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Dinner with my hostfamily and my hostaunt´s family |
On a slightly more positive note, I would like to thank all my Estonian friends and family, who gathered to our home in Tallinn to celebrate my birthday. I even got to blow off the candles and heard how they all sang “Happy Birthday“ song to me through Facetime!! At the same time I was sitting in the car with my hostmother on the other side of Europe. I´m very happy that they decided to suprise me, and that I have so sweet and caring friends and family waiting me back home. NB! My 7year old brother played me the “Happy Birthday“ song on piano. Without mistakes!! I´m so proud.
I´m going to end the blogpost here. There are a few more things that I would like to write about. But I´m going leave these for the next blogpost. I´ll try to write here more often and let you all know when the next interesting thing happens.
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Tschüss! // Bye!