pühapäev, 12. august 2018

Tutvustus // Introduction

Heiii! // Hello!
(Scroll down for English)

Mina :)
Mina olen Liisi Mari ja olen juba paari nädala pärast alustamas oma aastast seiklust Saksamaal. Nimelt olen otsustanud hakata vahetusõpilaseks ja pöörata kogu oma elu pea peale. Vahetusaasta mõte tuli mul siis, kui endised YFU vahetusõpilased oma kogemustest koolis rääkimas käisid. Peale seda on mul huvi aina kasvanud ning nüüd olen juba kahe nädala pärast seda unistust täide viimas, küll aga teise vahetusõpilasprogrammiga, nimega ASSE.

Miks just Saksamaa? Saksamaa on mind alati kuidagi enda poole tõmmanud, ei oskagi seda hästi seletada. Paljudele saksa keel ei meeldi, kuid mina arust on see üli äge :D. Lisaks meeldib mulle see, et igast Saksamaa nurgast võib leida midagi hoopis teistsugust nt. inimesed, dialektid, maastik jne.

Minu vahetuspere elab Lääne-Saksamaal, linnas nimega Aachen. Seal on poole vähem inimesi kui Tallinnas, kuid on pindalalt sama suur. See on minu jaoks suur pluss, kuna mulle meeldibki pigem rahulik keskkond. Mu vahetusperes on 5 liiget - ema, isa, kaks venda (21 ja 23) ja kuldne retriiver Bruno. Me elame umbes 8 km kaugusel Aachenist, kus asub ka minu kool. Kool algab seal juba 29. augustil, kuid kuna ma lähen Saksamaale saabudes nädalaks keelelaagrisse, siis jõuan mina kooli alles 3.septembril. Kooliks saab mulle Einhard-Gymnasium.

Paar sõna ka mu Eesti elust ja perest :) . Ma elan koos oma ema, isa, õe (15) ja vennaga (7) Tallinnas. Vabal ajal tegelen spordiga ning sellel suvel olen ka tihedalt tööl käinud. Muidu meeldib mulle sõpradega ja perega aega veeta ning purjetada. Käin juba 11. aastat Tallinna 21. Koolis ning planeerin ka peale vahetusaastat 12. klassi seal lõpetada. Pean ennast sportlikuks, sõbralikuks ja tagasihoidlikuks. Uute inimestega meeldib mulle alati tutvuda.


My name is Liisi Mari and I am going to start my exchange year in Germany in a few weeks. I have decided to become an exchange student and turn my whole life upside-down. The idea of going to the exchange year came to me, when former YFU exchange students visited my school to share their experience with us. After that the curiosity of living a whole year in a different country started to get bigger and bigger every minute. So now, already in two weeks, I can go and make my dream come true. But I will be doing it with a student exchange programme called ASSE.

But why Germany? Germany has always been interesting to me, I cannot fully explain, why I chose that country. Many of my acquaintances don´t like German, but I think it´s a really cool language. Another thing that I like is that from different parts of Germany, you can find a lot of variety among people, dialects, landscape and so on.

The city of Aachen

Location of Aachen
My host family lives in West-Germany, in a city called Aachen. There are 50% less people than in Tallinn, but the sizes of the two cities are almost the same. It´s a big plus for me, because I like a calm environment. My host family consists of 5 members – mother, father, two sons (21 and 23) and a golden retriever named Bruno. We live about 8km outside of Aachen, that´s also where my school is situated. School starts on the 29th of August, but as I´m spending my first week in a language camp near Frankfurt, then I will be starting school on the 3rd of September. My school will be the Einhard-Gymnasium.

A few words about my Estonian family and life J . I am currently living in Tallinn with my mother, father, sister (15) and brother (7). I do a lot of sports in my spare time and I also have been to work for almost all my summer. I like spending time with my friends and family and sailing. I have been studying at the 21. School of Tallinn for 11 years now, and I will definitely also graduate high school there. I consider myself sporty, friendly and modest. I like meeting new people.  

Kui küsimusi tekib, siis võib julgelt kommentaaridesse jätta :)  // You can leave your questions down below :)

Tschüss! // Bye!

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